Welcome Participant, to the


FECHA & HORA Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7 Thursday 8 Friday 9
09:00 – 10:45 Opening Python Object Running a model Machine Learning Challenge
10:45 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:00 Team Creation Computation Thinking Keynote: Niall Gaffney, TACC Keynote: “Data Quality for Deep Learning” Speaker: Saúl Calderón, Dr Keynote Speaker: Lilliana Sancho, Dra Keynote: Ciencia de datos: perspectiva generacional de dos mujeres en el área. Speakers: Sofía Ulloa & Ana Paola Mora Murillo
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:45 Jupyter Notebooks Python Interactions Dataset creation Beginning of Model Analysis Challenge Challenge Completion
14:45 – 15:00 Beak
15:00 – 17:00 Python Primer Python Interactions Dataset creation Challenge Teams Report Out Findings


•   Team Goals [[PDF]]

  • [Problem]
    • The model does not consider mask effectiveness and vaccination.
  • [Intervention]
    • Mask effectiveness -Infection rate depends on mask type N95, surgical mask, gauze, silk, etc.
    • Vaccination - Infection rate decreases if vaccinated
  • [Goal(s)]
    • Analyze the reduction of infection considering different types of masks and vaccination.

Intro Slide
🎵Team Theme Song:
The Big Bang Theory Song - Barenaked Ladies
Github Repo
•   Team Goals [[PDF]]

  • [Problem]
    • Rate_vaccine analysis
  • [Intervention]
    • Create a attribute to person (rate_vaccine)
    • Calculated the rate_vaccine to each person
    • Determine the rate_infection with rate_vaccine
  • [Goal(s)]
    • Determine the person’s rate_vaccine
    • Show the rate_infection of population

Intro Slide
🎵Team Theme Song:
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
Github Repo

Presentation and Code Examples

To view all slides and resources click here. .

Deliverables Due 12/9

"Each team will need to create a code repository at https://github.com for their team project. The link to the repository should be posted to the Slack Workspace TACC-Learn in the #2022_bigdatahack channel prior to your presentation.

The Github repo should include:
  * Source Code
  * README.md with Team Name and Team Members
  * Presentation in PDF form with
  - Team Name
  - Team Members
  - Question Posed
  - Findings with Visualizations"
